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Ensuring your Written Piece is free from error

A competent group of literary Editors is essential to the success of your writing. These Editors can help you with story and structure, as well as with copy editing and proofreading. However, where can you find experts with the necessary experience in your field?

One of the biggest challenges is the perception that anyone is capable of editing any and all writing. There are subject matter expert Editors that are best suited to edit certain types of literary work within a specific field, and Writer Resource can provide this resource.


Our editors have the knowledge, talent, and revision skills to transform your work from a rough draft to a final written piece that caters best to your identified audience.

Grammer Editing and Proofreading

Quality control and client satisfaction with industry and specialized editing skill

Contract and Freelance Editing

Editor Services

  • Correct Grammar, Sentence Structure, and Punctuation

  • Editorial Assessment

  • Development Editing

  • Copyright Editing

  • Proofreading

  • Formatting

  • Translation


Hourly Rates for Editors will vary depending on the industry, location, experience, and project.


Generally, we find rates to be around $55 to $75 per hour.

Ready to Hire an Editor?

We find the right people, the right time, the right location, the right industry experience, and at the right price.

Writer Resource is prideful of being reliable, effective, and efficient solutions for any documentation project or need.

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